Sunday, August 26, 2007

Laundry Room Renovations

We have started to do some renovations. We have started with adding cabinets to the laundry room and ordering a new high efficiency washer and dryer! John has been busy today installing the cabinets and I am anxious for the new washer and dryer to arrive on Friday. I can wash and dry 16 pair of jeans in one load!!! Joshua wanted to be with his Daddy and enjoyed playing in the new cabinets! John is finishing the center filler piece as I am writing this. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of John's hard work and Joshua's enjoyment.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Joshua's One Year Photos

I took Josh in to have his one year photos taken. I was a little nervous because he was in a grouchy mood right before we left for his photo session. Thankfully his mood changed once we got there and the photographer did a great job. I still can't believe my little baby is a toddler now!!

Pictures From Joshua's Birthday

Josh' First Birthday Party

We celebrated Joshua's first birthday party with a house full of family and friends on August 18, 2007. It was a success!! Joshua enjoyed having other babies to play with and John and I got a chance to see both sides of the family and lots of friends. Something we don't get to do often enough these days. The highlight of the party was Joshua enjoying his first birthday cake and no one stopping him from making a mess! Payback came in the middle of the night when he woke up with a belly ache from all the cake he ate! We had a wonderful afternoon and hope everyone who was here had a great time too!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

First Try

This is my first post to my blog! I am hoping this will be a better way to keep in touch with family and friends so we will see how it goes!!! We are in the midst of planning Joshua's first birthday party. It has definitely become much larger than we planned but we figured he only turns one once!! It will be more of a celebration for us making it through the first year as first time parents!!! It is truely amazing how fast the first year has gone by. I have loved being a mom more than I ever thought I would! Watching Josh grow and change has been so much fun. He has been taking his first steps this week and barely resembles the baby I brought home from the hospital last summer! He was so tiny with all that dark hair and now he is so tall with all that blonde hair!! He looks more like John everyday!