Saturday, September 15, 2007

Go Buckeyes

With football season underway, Joshua has been showing his Buckeye pride by wearing scarlet and gray on game day - just like his mom and dad!

Surviving Sickness

Joshua has managed to have an eye infection, a high fever, and the stomach flu in the span of about three weeks. He has survived all of it quite well and is finally back to being his normal adorable self. The only good thing about him being sick is all the cuddling he wants to do! Now that he is a very active toddler, it is hard to get him to slow down enough for a hug let alone some cuddle time. John and I both enjoyed being able to cuddle with him even though he was feeling so lousy!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Blog Debut

With Megan in town last night, all of the girls got together to catch up. These get togethers seem too few and far between these days so it is so great when all of our schedules coordinate for all of us to be there. We certainly enjoyed the evening at Jamie and Eben's house. It was really nice to just order in dinner and catch up. The best group of girlfriends just made their blog debut!!